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 Subject: RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant?
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   02-04-2001 15:35

No way!

...And I am just about to send off the cash too!

Thanks mate.

Actually, to be fair though, I have done a fairly reliable thing, in that what I am now doing, is creating the folders ( Long named ones ) as normal, and getting KOBOLD to do the deed via the ACC, allowing it to open folders of course, and this keeps the Long Names!

Any stray filenames that are lost, I can then do by hand.

Its not too bad, because I am only using Long Names for either HTM Files, with which I do not use Kobold anyway, and for folder names, so I know ( I hope ) where all the long filesnames will be.

I think I will stick on this way then.

Again, cheers.

 Topics Author  Date
  Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Damion Jones 02-01-2001 14:34 
   RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Lex van Sante 02-02-2001 08:20 
    RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Flash 02-04-2001 13:54 
     RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant?  Damion Jones 02-04-2001 15:35 

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