>Well I do know where to get the info about atari's >involvement with the
>go here
>(if you are interested in the amiga history in
>genereal go to
One of the Atari history sites has the legal document about the share transactions.
>I didn't say that the ST was bad, it wasn't, it
>just wasn't that good.
Well it was better than the Mac at the time.
I thought it was a decent machine.
If it was good enough for Jay Miner to complement it then its good enough for me :-)
There was mistakes made in the Amiga design btw.
The fact that the 68k TAS instruction hung the Amigas DMA subsytem wasn't exactly great when it came to multitasking. :-)
Lacking that instruction the Amiga would have been more prone to race conditions. Not nice.
That Atari had the better GUI file manager. It wasn't until Workbench 2.0 that a user could get away without using the shell or a replacement file manager like Dopus.
You know the blitter on the Amiga is responsible for decoding data from the disk drive.
Wierd design as far as floppy controllers go.
The Atari had a built in hard disk interface on every model sold. I wish the same could have been said for the Amiga. :-)
Bogo mem was another strange invention.
The Amiga lacked a proper high res display as well.
Interlaced displays don't cut it for dtp.
Half speed high density drives on the A4k. Another bad idea.
Chip ram running at 7mhz (I've timed it with nops btw) under all versions of the Amiga chipset compared to the much faster graphics ram
access on the Falcon.
Every design has trade offs.
256 colour double ntsc or dblpal modes crawl on the Amiga.
>Incidently I noticed most of the postings come
>from people in the UK.
>I live in the US.
>Well what does that have to do with anything, you >are proably asking.
>In the US the amiga and the atari st(later the tt >and the falcon) didn't
>sell very well.
Nah I think it had more to do with Atari's intertesting take on marketing. Switching development to the Jag was stupid IMHO.
BTW check out the Jaguar technical docs linked from this site. If Atari had released the Jags video hardware onto a home machine they wouldn't have had any problems competing with anybody.
The hardware is nice.
>people and vice versa. At one point it seemed as
>though most of the
>games for either system came from UK companies.)
Yeah the uk was a games market. That was a pity in a way since I know several ex Atari and Amiga people that didn't even use the machine as a computer. I knew a gamesplayer who had an Amiga that was proud of the fact that he didn't know how to use workbench. :-0
These people tend to be the most shrill when condeming other systems which is quite amusing. :-)
>Incidently I thought it was no suprise that
>Commodore and Atari, both
>went bankrupt and out of busines within a year or >2 of each other.