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 Subject: RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation
Author: Amiga_and_Atari_fan (
Date:   07-08-2000 16:59

>Ummmm interseting. info.
>Yes, I do know that the Amiga had few design
>flaws, and so does just about
>every stystem (Note: I"m using a AMD chip based
>pc, running windows)

Jesus the design flaws in the Amiga pale compared to what the designers got right. The Amiga is a bloody work of art! I even told RJ that was the case. Please don't think I was trashing the Amiga I love the machine more than you could ever know.
I attented an Atari coding party hosted by Leon Orielly in Wales for gods sake and I didn't shut up about the miggy hardware. :-) I love the Amiga hardware. I'm just trying to make the point that there's no absolutes when it comes to system design. That Atari ST was a damn nice design. You should try some 68k coding on the ST or the Falcon to truly appreciate it.
They were both cool machines.

>Look at the PC for god's sake. Choosing the intel >8088 and later the 8086

Yeach I'd rather not :-)

and so on line, was a mistake. The motolrola 68000 chip was much better. Why

Heh I wouldn't argue with you that that was the case. I rerfuse to do Intel assembler. I'd rather work with the 68k or the Arm.
286 code sucks bleeding horse shit through a straw. :-)

hmm 16 regs versus 4 I wonder what I would prefer. :

>they picked that instead......I cringe every time >I think of it.

Don't we all. Atari and Amiga (and Acorn for that matter) users what know the cpu must feel sick when they look at the PC arch.

>MS-Dos was (and still is) a pain to use. IBM had >narrowed it down to two

<g> Look at AST's opeinion of MS-DOS in his moder operating systems book fotr a good laugh.
What's interesting is that the ST TOS is re-entrant to 3 three levels. You can waut vbl with a system call too thanks to the xbios which is more than I could say for MS-DOS. :-)

>operating system chooses down to the MS-Dos (which >they bought or lisensed
.from another company that called it QD-Dos or Q->dos; Quick and Dirty disk
>operating system) or and operating system designed >by (guess who) Digital
>Research(Who brought GEM to the world). They >
>choose MS-Dos because of some
>disagreement with Digital Research.
>Windows is improving but still has many
>flaws,(such as a lack of good command

If you want to see an x86 machine perform than run BeOS on it. Windows sucks.

>line interface, the fact that windows and Dos
>aren't fully intergrated, it's
>a pain to find some files, the dll libraries are a >pest, it crashes more
>than any computer OS that I know of. etc, etc).

>Well, to all those of you still using your Amigas >And Ataris: Keep trying to
>use them as long as you can. Maybe someone will be >inspired to come up with
>their own ideas and rid the world of windows.

Amen. You hit the nail on the head there.
All I ask is that your try an ST or a Falcoin out before codemnbing it and that Atari owners do the same for the miggy. I wish to god Windows wasn' the dominant force.


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  Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new M. Velde 01-20-2000 05:05 
   RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Chris Appleton 01-20-2000 09:30 
    RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Zoumpas Christos 01-20-2000 11:20 
     RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Kolbjørn Barmen 01-23-2000 08:01 
     RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new M. Velde 01-24-2000 05:16 
      RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Mark Brents 01-26-2000 13:55 
      RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Havarn 01-26-2000 18:02 
       RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Speedy 01-26-2000 23:21 
        RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new marko 01-27-2000 02:56 
        RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Havarn 01-27-2000 15:55 
         RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Paul 01-27-2000 18:43 
          RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new marko 01-28-2000 02:54 
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          RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new amiga_and_atari fan 07-04-2000 15:10 
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      RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new sloopy malibu 05-16-2000 13:31 
     RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new falcon030 03-22-2000 01:27 
     RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Dimitris Markopoulos 07-12-2000 20:40 
    RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Marc 02-02-2000 12:31 
   RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Slapout 02-02-2000 10:33 
   RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new drizzt.tnb 02-09-2000 03:27 
    RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new falcon030 03-22-2000 01:35 
   RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Alaindn 04-27-2000 12:10 
    RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new TC. 07-05-2000 20:11 
     RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Atari_and_Amiga_fan 07-06-2000 10:23 
      RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new TC. 07-07-2000 08:00 
       RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new Atari_and_Amiga_fan 07-08-2000 05:11 
        RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation new TC. 07-08-2000 10:35 
         RE: Amiga emulation vs ST Emulation  Amiga_and_Atari_fan 07-08-2000 16:59 

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