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 Subject: RE: Create ST disks?
Author: Flash (
Date:   02-11-2001 14:41

A-COPY can format a DD disk up to 959K...

Just remembered, no peesee can read extended
disk formats, so number of options decreases,
right? But thereīs some more:

E-copy can format dos-disks, but only 720K...

If you put the stuff on HD disks in the peesee,
then you could use PARALELLCOPY to transfer
the stuff Directly FROM that drive TO the
STīs diskdrive, via the parallel printer-
ports. Iīve done it, it works! And the target
disk in the ST can have just ANY format, it
doesnīt matter. (up to 959K, that is...)
(bonus: the ST can read the peeseeīs CD ROM!)
Warning: If thereīs no disk in the diskdrive,
then PARCP soft wonīt find the drive at all!

Now, if your peesee doesnīt have the needed
bidirectional printer port, why not try
one of our HD floppy kits in your ST? ;-)

Just format the 1.44MB disk in your ST,
and itīs ready to be used in your peesee...
(yes, the format IS compatible)

So there are some options, after all...

Good luck/Flash

 Topics Author  Date
  Create ST disks? new Jezza 02-11-2001 03:11 
   RE: Create ST disks? new Facundo 02-11-2001 13:30 
    RE: Create ST disks?  Flash 02-11-2001 14:41 
     RE: Create ST disks? new Jezza 02-11-2001 23:45 
      RE: Create ST disks? new Flashlabs crew 02-12-2001 09:57 

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