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 Subject: RE: convert st files to pc?
Author: BabaG (
Date:   02-15-2001 17:23

thanks for the reply flash. i may have this wrong,
but don't i need a working st for what you're
suggesting? my problem is that i have the floppies,
syquests, a working syquest drive, a working peesee,
but no longer a working st. all the disks come up
saying they are unformatted when i put them in
the peesee (presumably meaning the peesee can't
recognize the st formatting). my question is how
can i simply insert the disks into the peesee and
have w98 recognize them. there is software to do
this with mac disks but i haven't found any yet
for atari disks. any additional help would be

thanks again,

 Topics Author  Date
  convert st files to pc? new BabaG 02-15-2001 07:33 
   RE: convert st files to pc? new Flash 02-15-2001 09:28 
    RE: convert st files to pc?  BabaG 02-15-2001 17:23 
     RE: convert st files to pc? new Flash 02-16-2001 02:23 
   RE: convert st files to pc? new Jonas 02-17-2001 11:27 
   RE: convert st files to pc? new Hans Wessels 02-25-2001 04:45 

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