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 Subject: RE: message for crosskey
Author: Chris Crosskey (
Date:   02-20-2001 01:18

A dongle is a hardware protection device that ensure that you are running a legit version. <Hacked> copies have the dongle protection routines illegally removed, however as the original coders take some pains to make it hard to do this <hacked > copies rarely run very reliably. You need to buy a legit copy of the software to get a dongle, unless you can find someone who has a spare happens, I have a spare dongle for Pro24 if anyone ever needs it.......You need a Cubase v3 or Score dongle......last I heard Barrie at AtariSpares had some legit Cubase Scores on the shelf....I can't help you with runnign cracked software I'm afraid, 1 It's illegal, 2 As someone who actually deals in Atari soft and hardware (admittedly it's more a hobby than a business) I have a good name to keep up with current users and 3 It's more trouble than it's worth becasue most of the problems are caused by the cracking process than by the software.....I've been using Cubase for six years or more, and all the versions I've ever used have been very stable.....

SYstem Solutions and Cortex shoudl have ACSI-SCSI host available or put out a Wnated notice on the various Atari sites adn newsgroups...if you're looking in old PC's then keep an eye out for SCSI hard-drives and CDROM's...even a slow old single-speeder is very useful on an ST, cos the fiels are so tiny the slwo speed doesn't matter......SCSI is given away by the 50-pin cable that it's 2" wide for starters......Most SCSI drives can be made to work ewith ST's but avoid very old IBM's, all Western Digitals and old Micropolis drives, onles to look out for are all new (1" or thinner) IBM's, Seagates, Quantums and Conners, they all seem to work well, though the IBM's tend to need some care applied to jumper settings cos they have things that only non-PC systems would bother all cases if you get a hard-drive get HD-Driver (now at v8) to access them......I can't figure out how I kept a system running without it.....


 Topics Author  Date
  message for crosskey new j.d.bear 02-18-2001 00:57 
   RE: message for crosskey new Chris Crosskey 02-19-2001 01:26 
    RE: message for crosskey new j.d.bear 02-19-2001 08:10 
    RE: message for crosskey new j.d.bear 02-19-2001 08:11 
     RE: message for crosskey  Chris Crosskey 02-20-2001 01:18 
      RE CRACKED CUBASE new trendannoyer 02-20-2001 10:21 
       RE: RE CRACKED CUBASE new Damion Jones 02-20-2001 12:36 

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