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 Subject: EmmPeethree/four
Author: Flash & the crew (
Date:   02-20-2001 16:01

"then we can see for once and for all, that the STE CAN play MP3's"

Well, not in "realtime", anyway...
I´m sure Anders is right here, it have to decode part of the MP3 first, and THEN play the (8-bit) soundfile. Now, that unpacking
should take a good while, before it can start
to play at all, or? Else it´s an unpacked format.

Realtime MP3 decoding/replaying is just about the edge of the capacity of the Falcon´s DSP, so there´s still simply no way one single
68000 @ 8MHZ can do it.

Anyway, next generation TOS compatibles will eat MP3 for breakfast! -One of the models we´re working on here at Flashlabs, have not only separate DSP´s for sound/gfx, it will also have a special MP3/MP4 coder/decoder chip. :) So Everything sound, even system sounds and music/sound fx in games/demos aso, will be in MPEG format, hehe... HIFI quality, still tiny files, and the MPEG chip also means that the CPU/DSP´s won´t have to deal with the coding/decoding at all! Now, how ´bout that?? We´re still waiting for them chips though, ordered them five weeks ago, so we´re getting a bit bored right now...

But then we hope to show´em MP3! ;o)

BTW, would there be of any public
interest for such a TOS gizmo?

No plans for production yet, though
-we´re still just having very PHUN!
(exploring the possibilitys/limits)

/F/ & the crew

 Topics Author  Date
  MP3's ?? new trendannoyer 02-18-2001 07:40 
   RE: MP3's ?? new Flash 02-18-2001 12:02 
    RE: EmPeeFreeze new Damion P Jones 02-18-2001 16:05 
     RE: EmPeeFreeze new Flash 02-19-2001 10:26 
      RE: EmPeeFreeze new Ragstaff 02-19-2001 13:16 
       RE: EmPeeFreeze new Flash 02-19-2001 13:41 
        RE: EmPeeFreeze new Anders Eriksson 02-20-2001 07:14 
         RE: EmPeeFreeze COLD new trendannoyer 02-20-2001 09:50 
          that's good :) new Ragstaff 02-21-2001 15:19 
         RE: EmPeeFreeze new Damion P Jones 02-20-2001 11:56 
          EmmPeethree/four  Flash & the crew 02-20-2001 16:01 
           RE: EmmPeethree/four new Elliot 02-20-2001 22:28 
            RE: EmmPeethree/four twelve?? new trendannoyer 02-21-2001 06:25 
           RE: EmmPeethree/four new Shalroth 02-21-2001 06:47 
            Why NOT build a hardware decoder for the st/ste... new replicant 02-22-2001 11:20 
             RE: Why NOT build a hardware decoder for the st/st new Damion Jones 02-22-2001 11:35 
              RE: Why NOT... new Flash & the crew 02-22-2001 15:03 
               RE: Why NOT... new Damion Jones 02-22-2001 15:29 
                RE: Why NOT... new Flash & the crew 02-22-2001 17:10 
             RE: Why NOT... new Flash & the crew 02-22-2001 15:36 
              RE: Why NOT... new Damion Jones 02-22-2001 15:53 
               RE: Why NOT... new Flash & the crew 02-22-2001 17:37 
              SCSI is a fine compromise... new replicant 02-23-2001 10:35 
               links to the C't mp3 player new replicant 02-23-2001 11:24 
                RE: links to the C't mp3 player new Flash & the crew 02-23-2001 16:28 
               RE: SCSI is a fine compromise... new Flash & the crew 02-23-2001 16:00 
                RE: SCSI is a fine compromise... new Frank 02-24-2001 00:39 
                 RE: SCSI is a fine compromise... new trendannoyer 02-24-2001 05:19 

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