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 Subject: RE: Is it wrong?
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   03-01-2001 15:00

I saw that bit of nastyness, and its not my concern who charges what, for whatever part?

As for someone condeming anyone for selling something, that is no longer being sold, then whoever it was, is completely wrong!

ATARI Parts sell, by many companies worldwide. and they sell for quite a high price still.

That memory board still sells for between £30 and £50, and if anyone gets it cheaper from a supplier, then I will be pretty amazed - if they do, it will not be that much cheaper.

You simply have to look at the facts.

Person A has something, that person B wants.

If Person A wants £X and Person B is happy to pay that much for it, then where is the problem?

Its the same the other way around! - it really depends on how much a person is willing to pay, or what they think its worth

I personally think, that someone butting in to such a deal, may well have seemed fine to them, but they should have looked at the facts, before shoving their noses into other peoples buisiness. OK, fine is someone is about to pay £100 for a blank floppy disk, then warn them, but not something that is obviously a good bargain, and now the deal has been lost!

If they did that to me, and I lost the deal of the month because of it, I would be highly pissed off!

I will leave you with another fine example of a weird deal:-

A message board in the shop up the road, had an Atari for sale with a disk, for £100.

Now, Carl asked me if I thought it was a good deal, and I said, it depends on whether the disk is an external floppy drive, or hard drive, and whether the atari is ST or even Falcon.

Now, in one way, it can be a bargain, and in another it would be a waste of money.

Carl said he didnt want it, even though I offered to go with him to see it.

I told Chris, and he has no computer at all, and he bought it.

As it turned out, it was a Falcon, with 14MB, and 100MB Internal IDE, AND, and external 540MB SCSI, oh, and a whole box full of software too, so can you imagine how I bloody felt?

sleep well

 Topics Author  Date
  Is it wrong? new Gurjit 02-28-2001 21:07 
   RE: Is it wrong?  Damion Jones 03-01-2001 15:00 
    RE: Is it wrong? new Marian Davis 03-03-2001 10:21 
     RE: Is it wrong? new Damion Jones 03-03-2001 14:11 
   RE: Is it wrong? new Marian Davis 03-03-2001 10:18 
    RE: Is it wrong? new Gurjit 03-04-2001 07:05 
    RE: Is it wrong? new GokMasE 03-04-2001 07:16 
   RE: Is it wrong? new GokMasE 03-04-2001 07:13 

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