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 Subject: RE: HD and CDROM on 1040
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   03-04-2001 11:11

I think the answer to Q1 is NO!

I recon myself though, that you might be able to use a chunk of it, and you will have to partition it to something like a few 500MBs ( 512MB is the max apparently? )

Saying that, I was told that the TT cannot access more than 1GB, but I have a 4.3GB on mine, along with other drives - BUT, they are 1GBx3 and a 900 or so, and this can ONLY be done under BIGDOS or MAGIC - without those, I cannot access the drive!

So, I think the bottom line to the Question, is NO!

Trust me though, unless you go stupid, you will never get anywhere near filling a large drive on the Atari! - I have double back-ups of EVERYTHING on my Atari, even all of the Atari CoverDisks, and I still have not quite touched on 3GB, and if I just copied all of my work onto a single partition, I would only need a 500MB and still have space left ( Probably for a 499MB File! ).

What the hell was Q2? - hang on...
Oh, right! - Yes, you should be! - there are a few IDE Adapters for the Atari's now, and they all work with CDROMs ( That why they are developed in the first place I would have thought - cheap IDE stuff )

 Topics Author  Date
  HD and CDROM on 1040 new Facundo 03-03-2001 12:17 
   RE: HD and CDROM on 1040  Damion Jones 03-04-2001 11:11 
   RE: HD and CDROM on 1040 new Atarigalen 03-05-2001 04:32 

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