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 Subject: RE: Monitor for TT querry
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   03-05-2001 17:09

Hey, chris

here's one thing that has annoyed me

I put the Deposit down on the Monitor, and he day after, I got a VGA from the bay for a tenner! - Yesterday, I was given an old 386, and guess what was with it?

Today, Ali showed me his broken SVGA ( It switches on and off 2,3 or 4 times every second ) and guess what? - it works again! - handy what getting chucked into the corner of a room, and being used as a chair can do!

Still got the weird one though, and its a multisync Monitor, so what screen modes I can get out of it, I dont yet know? - it aint going to last though, you can just make out a tiny flickering in the display

I forgot to mention to you, that I have a crazy dots on the TT. but that I recon is equiv of SVGA, so the answer stays the same doesnt it?

Anyway, what I decided to do, was put the monitor on the Linux PC, Ali has given me the SVGA, in place of giving me a CDROM back, and I have given him a 64MB Stick of DRAM for his PC ( Fair swap I think ) so that will get repaired and go onto the Windows PC, and I think I will put it onto the TT when its fixed, and give the VGA to Windows for games and stuff, and this leaves me with a spare VGA for messing about with the Pentium instead of the Hercules.

in the end, is all starting to look up again!

did I tell you what I did to get into this mess?

I sold off my spare VGA ( swapped it actually and I lost in the deal ) and just a few days later, the TT's SVGA blew up ( I had a look inside, and it was black ) still went ahead and tried the fuse though - it went with a bigger bang! - so I was using one SVGA between all of my computers, which isnt too clever! - luckily Linux does not need a screen like windows does, so the Hercules went onto that for a while.

Anyway, enough already! - I am starting again.

 Topics Author  Date
  Monitor for TT querry new Damion Jones 03-02-2001 09:37 
   RE: Monitor for TT querry new Chris Crosskey 03-05-2001 06:35 
    RE: Monitor for TT querry  Damion Jones 03-05-2001 17:09 

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