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 Subject: RE: Mono Emulator for TT
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   03-06-2001 09:29

Oh, god, I wasnt actually thinking straight! - Yes, the TT high, is 1280x960 isnt it?

I was purely thinking of the 640x960 actually, in the 16 colours, or even 640x480 in 256

The issue of having the resolution of a higher screen mode, but also the colours of a lower one has always had the thinking... Like in the case of the STE - 640x200 in 16 colours, so can the TT be persuaded to have 640x480x256?

Even if the TT was to say, have 640x960 in the standard 16 colours, to be a good looking system, it would have to interlace, and I seriously doubt this will slow the system down more than a very few % - even on the STE it was done with great success with both ST-Double, and MonSTEr, and in fact Monster, was, if I remember capable of displaying massive virtual screens, but with scrolling.

No, I think I am going to have a look at some old code again, and see what I can come up with...

I recon, going by the ammount of flicker you get when displaying 200 ( 400 Virtual ) lines, even though the TT displays 480 ( 960 virtual ), the lines wil be thinner wont they? - also, the TT is faster at doing it, so I think the flicker will be much, much less, and there fore, make the screen mode much more useable!

The main serious problem, is getting that to work in a MultiTasking Environment.

I wonder... Does anyone actually use single tasking these days?

Thanks then... Who knows, I might actually get this going? - Its gotta be worth at least a try, especially if no-one has done it before.


 Topics Author  Date
  Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-05-2001 16:52 
   RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Anders Eriksson 03-06-2001 07:02 
    RE: Mono Emulator for TT  Damion Jones 03-06-2001 09:29 
    RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-07-2001 14:24 
     RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Anders Eriksson 03-08-2001 11:45 
      RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-08-2001 14:52 

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