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 Subject: RE: Mono Emulator for TT
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   03-07-2001 14:24

Ok, I have got some code to run on the TT, but, its nowhere near as clean or fast as I thought it would be.

I am attempting a 640x960 interlaced mode, in 16 colours, but although it is trying, it just isnt quite happening yet? - obviously, this is all down to me, because I have never tried to mess around with the TT screens, and I am still thinking of 32k screen etc

I got 640x400 in 4 colours going with minimal ease, which surprised me, cos I never did manage it when I first got the TT, so fresh thinking was needed there, but not happy with myself with TT Medium yet.

I have to admit, I aint that good at emulating screens, and having no blitter means I have to work things differently to the STE, which gets me going. ( Where was that DOC File on putting a BLITter Chip into the TT again? )

What is the XBIOS value for such a screen mode by the way?
is it legal under GEM?

 Topics Author  Date
  Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-05-2001 16:52 
   RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Anders Eriksson 03-06-2001 07:02 
    RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-06-2001 09:29 
    RE: Mono Emulator for TT  Damion Jones 03-07-2001 14:24 
     RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Anders Eriksson 03-08-2001 11:45 
      RE: Mono Emulator for TT new Damion Jones 03-08-2001 14:52 

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