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 Subject: RE: PC Monitor to 1040ST
Author: Atarigalen (
Date:   03-20-2001 01:00

Jack wrote:
>More info please... I love to read and find out more...

Well. ST High mode is 72Hz vertical at 31.5 kHz horizontal. Since 31.5 kHz is just slightly off the standard vanilla VGA mode of 31.25 kHz, practically any VGA monitor runs ST High quite nicely. Just run the mono-detect pin to ground, connect red, green, and blue to the mono out pin, and connect the horizontal and vertical syncs. One minor problem is that the ST outputs 1V and standard VGA is 0.7V. Some people have reported that their monitor eats 1V without complaining, but I'd recommend altering the voltage or buying a premade one from Mario Becroft. See for more information.

ST Low and Medium are entirely different animals. Although a VGA monitor might be able to do 50 Hz horizontal (most CAN do 60), the 15.75 kHz horizontal is below the ability of nearly all monitors made today. (This wasn't always true, the NEC 3d comes to mind). Aside from some very expensive and rare monitors, the easiest way to view ST Low and Medium is to use the composite out (TV) jack to a scan doubler, which as you may guess, doubles the horizontal scan to 31.5 kHz. Such items can be quite cheap or expensive. For example, see for a fairly cheap one (I have no idea how well it works). Those who have connected their Atari to a television may laugh at the idea of using the composite port, but my experience is that the weak link is the television, not the composite port. ST Medium on a VGA monitor is not bad at all.

In theory, one could adapt component RGB to VGA, but it would definitely be breaking new ground. Hmm, let's see...each color pin and its H and V sync to composite, through the scan doubler (3 required -- one for each color) and connected to the unique VGA in pin of the monitor?


 Topics Author  Date
  PC Monitor to 1040ST new wlk 03-14-2001 06:29 
   RE: PC Monitor to 1040ST new atarigalen 03-15-2001 07:17 
    RE: PC Monitor to 1040ST new Jack 03-19-2001 19:19 
     RE: PC Monitor to 1040ST  Atarigalen 03-20-2001 01:00 
      RE: PC Monitor to 1040ST new wlk 03-20-2001 13:01 

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