"Is the console backwards compatible with Jaguar?" -TXG (In an Email to me).
Thanks for the question
Back when there was work on the orginal "Jaguar II" there were talks of including a Motorola 68EC020 wich could run all the previous code that the Jaguar could run. Looking at the current cost to do something similar would be minimal since the prices have dropped over the years on these chips or the likes of. As for actually incorperating it into a new system for reverse compatability brings in other issues. For the typical user of a new product this feature most likely would not be used and in their mind a usesless adtional cost. But for the hardcore Jaguar users like ourselfs, it would be great, and in fact a new Atari system without such a support for previous games would leave us feeling ripped off. So i had a couple of ideas on this. Since for the most part the Jaguar cartidge port is a PCI connector (does not use the same protocal or system format as a PCI though)that a PCI connector can be placed on the system to be used for future expation to the system, and when no such exspasion is in place ot there is a pass through conenctor or device, a Jaguar cart can be used.
It might not be as simple as this, but I will give it more thought, and any possible comments or suggestions are welcomed.