Author: Corman (
Date: 06-20-2001 07:27
Thanks alot for your support. Currently I am working on my web site for all this. I hope to beable to get it built with a future community in mind. I have worked long and hard to find what I have found and for what I have created in mind, but even then something like this needs more minds. As much as I know many people, myself included, would love to say "This is all mine baby", that is kind off defeating the purpose. if i do not get the ideas and view of others, I am basically designing something I would want, not really something other people might want. So I will hope to be soon holding open forums for Ideas, designs, programming, etc.. And designers will be needed just as much as developers, because if the system is not well designed in all ways, it will be a down fall for anyone who decides to develope for it, and might even turn away any one else who might of wanted to develope for it. So your skills will come in handy. Thank you for your support also.
Hopefully I will be able to get the web site up soon. Then we can keep it rolling from there. I will keep everyone posted. Thank you again for your support, everyone.
-Shea Street