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 Subject: RE: Atari TT Software compatibility
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   04-01-2001 06:23


MagicMac is far more stable than the Atari Version ( And the Atari version is the original you'd have thought? ) Same with the PC version too.

You must also remember though, that Magic completely replaces TOS, whereas Mint does not.

Again, there are versions of Mint ( Or compatibles of... ) that apparently do, but dont quote me on that.

Yes, I also heard some good things, and some great things about MiNT, but I was too scared to push myself into it for real... I have MultiTOS, but that was as far as I had gone with it, and stuch with Magic all this time, but when I was told that MiNT is faster, and more reliable, and above all for me VFAT compatible, I just had to give it a whirl, and yes, everythign they have been saying is all true...Up to a point of course!

As for what does, and does not load on MiNT/Magic, as far as my tests have all gone, there is absolutely no difference yet... Ones that crash under Magic, also crash under MiNT, and vice versa, and the same goes for those that work.

But, the speed does seem to be a complete lie as far as I am concerned, but then it is a weird one...

GEMBench shows my TT is running 14 times faster than normal TT speed, and 24 times the speed of an ST, and the test runs for a few seconds... While under MiNT, its giving me only slightly under, with 11 or 12, and 20, but the tests run for almost 2 minutes, so thats a load of crap isnt it?

Same goes in real use, when you have a few programs running, and you click on another program's window, you go straight into that program, the menu of that program gets shown instead of the previous one, etc,etc, all instantly, but under MiNT, it often seems the system has hung for maybe 2 seconds, and sometimes even more, so MiNT, as far as my TT is concerned, is very slow indeed.

Again, anyone is open to arguements, because others have ditched Magic in favour of MiNT because they may have found MiNT was faster, so where does that leave us?

I think in the end its a matter of try it yourself, and whichever you feel comfortable with, then you go for that one! - They are both massively supported, and perhaps MiNT a little more than Magic.

Wow, MiNT vs Magic on the Atari's, is the same problem we have with Linux in more than a few ways... The similarities are amazing.

How the hell did this get turned into a MiNT vs Magic thing anyway?

... Oh yeah!

Actually, to end on a note:-

We, as Atari users should NOT try to make some kind of war between Desktops, or O/S's - as long as its Atari, it does not matter does it?

Anyone want to put an oar in for Geneva?

 Topics Author  Date
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   RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new TC Steve 03-30-2001 15:00 
   RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 03-30-2001 22:49 
    RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new kojacksback 03-31-2001 03:43 
     RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 03-31-2001 05:38 
      RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new David Barkin 04-01-2001 03:07 
       RE: Atari TT Software compatibility  Damion Jones 04-01-2001 06:23 
        RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new David Barkin 04-02-2001 21:19 
         RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 04-02-2001 23:27 
          RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new David Barkin 04-04-2001 18:51 
           RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 04-04-2001 22:16 
        RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Shalroth 04-03-2001 18:51 
    RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Shalroth 04-03-2001 18:39 
     RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 04-03-2001 21:45 
      RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Shalroth 04-04-2001 12:57 
       RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 04-04-2001 22:25 
        RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Shalroth 04-06-2001 13:40 
         RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Damion Jones 04-06-2001 22:11 
          RE: Atari TT Software compatibility new Shalroth 04-19-2001 13:06 

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