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 Subject: How about this code, for example?
Author: jack (
Date:   04-05-2001 00:52

you are correct about the cnxns anders. but i have
an external DAC so its cool. Also, i can route
DAC thorugh DSP as i have it currently set up
(and that's cool too cause i can filter etc)

but i'm gonna try this code to volumize:

;a0-a3=sample data a4=log.volume table
;upper word of d0-d3=volume table index
;a5=DMA output buffer #xx is modified by a code-gen route
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w (a4,d0.l),d0
lsr.w #xx,d0
move.w d0,(a5)+
----this is repeated 3 more times for
samples at a1,a2, and a3 w/ indexes of d1-d3 vs. d0
addq.l #8,a5
dbra size_of_sampleframe,.loop

of course if could cut out the lsr etc if i just
wanted a few (ie 16) volume levels
the above code only fills half of the 8 channels
so it will work in two passes


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      How about this code, for example?  jack 04-05-2001 00:52 
       RE: How about this code, for example? new Thomas Bergstrom 05-23-2001 12:55 

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