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 Subject: RE: Amiga related topics should be banned?
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   04-12-2001 21:52

Of course, there is also the biggest issue we have, that people use what they know.

Within this, there is also the mentality ( Take that as I mean it, not as you see it ) that with the A vs A debate, people on one side of it, see the others, as inferior.

I grew up with many computers, so I think I can see both the sides, we had all the arguements under the sun, it was the same with Dragon vs Acorn vs Atari XE/XL vs BBC and Commodore vs Spectrum, with Amstrad giving us a run for the money, and I would say that Commodores beat Spectrum, and yet, people still argue this one out.

Anyway, I am losing it a bit.

Amigas are good for some tasks, that Atari's just cannot do, but it is the same the other way around too, despite what many think.

I think we need to also look at what Atari's there are, and what Amigas there are, and not do what many people do, and only judge them by the original ST and A500.

Both sides have progressed beyond all expectations, without needing massive changes to theirt internals - Just compare my TT now, to what it was then. What could it do 10 years ago? In comparison to what I have it doing now, its quite amazing. I do all my work on the Atari, and I just use the PC's for pissing about.

I use Jinnee and Magic 6, on the Atari's and Windows 98 and linux on the PC's, and yet, considering the money that PCs get thorn at them every year, compared to what Atari's do, its only strengthening my views, that the PC is a pile of.....

Atari's and Amigas are still in there, PC users, many of which do not know what they are, are stil spanding £1000's every day on something that cannot do a task any better than a humble ST or Amiga.

I mean, unless you want to raytrace a 10 hour long movie, in 2 seconds then a PC is not really that much better is it?

Can a £1000 PC let me type any faster?

Admittedly, I like UnReal Tournament though, and the Doom/Quake series is also among my collection, but when it boils down to the actual work, Papyrus simply pisses on ANY Word Processor I have on the PC.

Well, thats enough rambling.

At the end of the day, all I am trying to say, is that Atari and Amiga may do well in supporting each other, giving each other just that little extra, and who knows, maybe one day, we will get the recognition, that we have deserved all these years, that a PC has never deserved.

Any Mac users here?

 Topics Author  Date
  Amiga related topics should be banned? new Marko 04-11-2001 11:36 
   RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new Damion Jones 04-11-2001 23:08 
    RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new POP 04-12-2001 14:21 
     RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new trendannoyer 04-12-2001 18:04 
      RE: Amiga related topics should be banned?  Damion Jones 04-12-2001 21:52 
       RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new Joshua Kaijankoski 04-12-2001 22:18 
        RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new David Barkin 04-12-2001 22:26 
         RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new Damion Jones 04-13-2001 03:59 
          Who cares new Ragstaff 04-13-2001 09:06 
       RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new Shalroth 04-19-2001 12:48 
        RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new Damion Jones 04-20-2001 00:23 
         RE: Amiga related topics should be banned? new shalroth 04-20-2001 16:23 

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