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 Subject: how about
Author: trendannoyer (
Date:   04-14-2001 01:47

if I use the sublaminar processes which are modulated by a stepped series of quantium-deploarised frabjastanic couplings, the resulting gravmetric packets being filtered through a reciprocating Brantis-Wankel ambulator to convert their subnutronic spin from anti clockwise to inside out, providing the basic template for the mesonic collapse of the interstatial mesh into what is rather colourfully, Im afraid, called, the walrus mode. With the prantic waveform properly antifrated, would it just then not simply be a matter of setting up the propper Boolean constraints to regulate the planck-collapse whilst avoiding complete polyhelical overload on the macrotransablative level, and there you are
that's putting it in laymans terms of course.
As it's ultimately far more complicated than that

 Topics Author  Date
  Just some fun to think about... new Damion Jones 04-12-2001 22:00 
   I think you need new trendannoyer 04-14-2001 00:08 
    RE: I think you need new Damion Jones 04-14-2001 01:13 
     RE: I think you need new trendannoyer 04-14-2001 01:19 
      RE: I think you need new Damion Jones 04-14-2001 01:31 
       how about  trendannoyer 04-14-2001 01:47 
        or I could just pull this big red lever? new trendannoyer 04-14-2001 01:48 
         RE: or I could just pull this big red lever? new Damion Jones 04-14-2001 01:59 
          oh I see the big blue lever? new trendannoyer 04-14-2001 02:03 
           RE: oh I see the big blue lever? new Damion Jones 04-14-2001 02:16 
            RE: oh I see the big blue lever? new Damion Jones 04-14-2001 02:26 
             for your pleasure new trendannoyer 04-15-2001 00:04 
              RE: for your pleasure new Damion Jones 04-15-2001 00:13 

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