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 Subject: RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well?
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   04-28-2001 21:09

You got it.

But, I have always said, that ease of use, does not necessarily/ness..necses.. always mean that its a good computer!

I mean, look at linux! - that can be a 2at to setup for the modem, but most ISP these days are using it ( 60% or more ).

It will be the same with the Atari, I can tell you. Once its done, jot down what you need to know for in case you need it sometime in the future ( you probably will ).

I dont have a normal Modem, just the Software one, so I cant use it on the Atari, or Linux, which is annoying, but I only need to do 2 things now, so I can completely ditch Windows altogether!

1. Get StonX working so I can still use Atari Software on the PC.
2. Get a Modem working.

The Modem will also be used for the Atari too!

Weirdly, one of my best uses for the PC is Emulating the Atari, and Mac, and I have always found, that Windows may well be a good O/S, and it does this, and it does that, but as we all know....

At the end of the day, its probably the worst O/S you can get!

My god! - I use Magic 6 and Jinnee 2.5 on the Atari's and Linux ( KDE 2.1 ) on the PC but both of those give me far more control than bloody windows does!

Nah! - as far as I am concerned, Windows, and hopefully MicroSoft as a whole, do not have a future! - The only thing that is keeping them going, is that 95% of PCs you buy these days, have Windows already installed, and this means, that 90% of those owners know nothing better!

Sod it. I will come clean. I hate MicroSoft, and everythign it stands for!

They buy out the main competition, and what they cant, they copy, and re-package it - often saying that they were the original developers of it.

Ah well, its supposed to be an Atari Site, so I will leave it there I think.

 Topics Author  Date
  can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new trendannoer 04-23-2001 13:11 
   RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new Damion Jones 04-24-2001 20:59 
    RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new trendannoer 04-25-2001 01:07 
     RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new Damion Jones 04-25-2001 01:46 
      RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new trendannoer 04-25-2001 01:53 
       RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new Damion Jones 04-25-2001 01:59 
        RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new trendannoer 04-25-2001 02:08 
         RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new Damion Jones 04-25-2001 03:02 
          RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well? new trendannoer 04-28-2001 13:10 
           RE: can I zip alone or do i NEED to scsi as well?  Damion Jones 04-28-2001 21:09 

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