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 Subject: RE: for Damion jones re microsoft
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   04-29-2001 03:47

Ok, do you want to know what kind of days I have had recently!

Well, Ali, a supposedly good mate, is even more hard up than I am ( Steady on - I mean money wise! )

So, while I am borrowing some Simms off him for my Linux PC, I decided that I will help him to build up another PC so he could use Linux.

I got an AMD300, board & Chip, a small Drive ( 1.2Gb ) and as the Board was ATX, I also bought him a new case too! - All he needed was a few cables, a monitor ( Which he could borrow an old SVGA from me too of course! ) a CDROM, a Floppy Drive!, a mouse/Keyboard which he has already, and then of course, some Memory!

Now, I know that he will be asking for the simms back and fair enough, but the deal was, that by the time he got the rest of the bits for the AMD, that I have paid for, I would have already bought my own simm for it and he could use his own then!

This I think is fair! - Dont you?

Well, the other day he asked for his memory back, and this left my AMD with nought but a sausage! and so I have tried to know the Windows PC down, to give the Linux PC a little to use,. but Windows now runs a bag of curap, and its almost imposible to play any games, so its had to be returned, and at this time, Linux is no more!

What really rags me off, is why he took the memory back!

He sold it off to a friend, so they could go out on the Piss!

Now that really pisses me off! - Why couldnt he just say so! and I would have bought the bloody thing myself, or even just borrowed him the money!

Maybe its because he already owes me over a hundred, but I know what his cash is like, and I know I probably wont get it back, but thats not the point is it?

He left my Linux Pc in the dumps, and he knows I use it more than the Windows PC, and that has really got to me!

So, what did I do today?

Well, as he has been telling many of our friends, that he, and I are building up another PC, for him, this is no longer the case, because on monday, I am going to finish building it up, and give it to someone for nothing!

I know I have a few friends who would love it.

Hey, if he want to go out on the piss instead, then thats ok by me, but not like that! - and especially when he knew I had money that he could have had instead!

How much did he get for it? - A tenner! - yeah, thats right! - TEN smegging quid for a 64MB stick of ram! - what a dozy Phukur - THAT gets on my TITS!

Yeah, I have had a shitty few days, and on top of that, 2 weeks ago, the kids pushed the telly off the stand too, so that needs looking at ( WideScreen Xmas pressie off my mam - that I havent told her about yet ) and thats going to cost me an arm, and a leg, and probably the other 2 as well!

OH bumhole, I am getting depressed now!

What time is it? - 2:45 AM!

Bloody hell .... Wheres the coffee?

...and my fags!

sod it, I will stay up again tonight! - I have tons to do.... Like another few levels of UnReal Tournament - y'know - the important stuff!

Later then dood.

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