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 Subject: RE: hells teeth
Author: Damion (
Date:   04-29-2001 22:06

Hey, its pissing down here too!

I am in a similar boat, I have to see to the sheep...

Although, being welsh, I wont be milking them! hehehe

Hello Baa-bra

Seriously though ( I was actualy, ahem! ) but 3 years ago, I was invlved in an accident, and I had my left arm, right knee, and head smashed in in a motor bike accident, and although my arm should be ok, its not, and the leg has had major reconstructive surgery, to build up the bones again, but its mostly plastic now, and at this moment, in time, its bloody killing me, and I sometimes wished that they just amputated it because I should be over it by now, but with the pain I go through, its murder.

The head gets to me though - I keep forgetting where I am most of the time, and I can look a complete tit.

Imagine this - I have written down directions to kwiksave, which is only around the corner, and whenever I need to get something from there, I have to write that down too! - sometimes I forget what I am doing down the road, and worst thing is, that I even forget that I have it written down, so I come home, but I forget where home is, so I just wonder off until I remember! - and where that gets me, is that with a knackered leg, I dont go far

Can you imagine what life is like when that happens? - Its a shit I can tell you!

You learn to cope though - most of the time.

The rest of the time, you cry, but then forget why you started crying in the first place!!

Life is weird eh?

BTW, Ali isnt speaking to me now ( Oh no! )

Do I really care? - No, I mean, ok, a pint is a pint, and who would say no!
But not at the cost of 64MB, and even worse when he knows I would hve given him the money, or even bought it off him anyway!

Ah, stuff him I say.

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