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 Subject: RE: 520stfm to tower
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   04-30-2001 06:12

I dont know about any such site for the ST range, but if I can help in any way I will.

I currently have a MegaST4 which is in a Desktop PC case, an STE ( Same as the FM size-wise, which is in a moded tower, and a TT which is inside 2 midi towers, and the oriinal ( Has to be for all the Hard Drives ).

I will give you a few pointers though to get you off!

First of all, you will need to extend your Floppy data cable.
I was luck in that the Floppy cable from an old Xen XI 286 is exactly the type you want, so look out for one of them, but either way, just an extension will be ok.

If you have an external Floppy, then thats cool too!

The Hard Drives, and CDROM are not a problem with the power obviously, and nor if the FM either!

The PC PSU has 4 wires, ( +5v & +12v and 2 are negative/Earth, and if you check the ST PSU, you will see that both earths are connected anyway, so you only need to make sure that its got the 5v connected to the 5v, and the 12v connected to the 12v, and both earths dont give a toss, as long as they are connected too! ( To each other of course )

Apart from that, its easy!

The only hard task you will have, is getting a good sized case, which I went half way actually, and got hold of one, where I was able to fit the STE Board in, but I had to adjust the position of the PSU, so the PSU now goes downwards, instead of being flat at the bottom.

How did I mount the board?

Well, normally a PC board goes on risers, and there is a panel at the back for the ISA/PCI/AGP Cards, so, what I did, was to remove the panel completely ( Some are rivets which need to be drilled out, or in my case, use a screwdriver/Pliers combination ( hehe ) ) and I simply replaced it with a platic sheet, and left a big enough gap for access to the ports.

The Cartridge port, and Midi Ports have had to also be altered a little.

The midi ports are simply a matter of getting a pair of male & Female connectors, and just making an extension. I drilled a hole for the connections in the back panel.

The Cartridge port was another story, and I would NOT recommend doing what I done! - I messed it up to be honest, but I cut the cartridge port off, and resoldered the joints at a right angle! - This meant, that the cartridge now goes along the bottom, and is not very safe to be honest, however, I only use the Stereo Replay cartridge, so it should be ok. the in/out puts of the cart are also mounted on the Panel, with cabling going to the cart from there!

Oh yeah the board - How is it mounted exactly?

Well, this is an awkward one, and it will mostly depend on the case you use I suppose?

What I did, was use carpet tape ( Thick blue crap ) to cover the side so I wount get any shorts with the board touching the case, and do you know those foamy things with double-sided sticky stuff? - Well, I used 8 of them. I stuck 2 together, so it was 4 mounts, twice as thick if you see what I mean?

Its more than strong enough to hold the board in properly, but it might be a good idea to get the sticky cable holder thingys instead.

What else can I say?

Like I said, its all down to what actual case you decide to use, but you can bet that a Desktop, or midi/mini tower will NOT do, so a full tower will have to be your best bet.

Sheets of Perspex might also be a good idea to splash out on, should you need to device some kind of mounts like I had to for the PSU, because I live right near a windows factory, I used Window sills myself ( No, I dont mean whole sills - just the thin sheets that they are made up from! )

The floppy drive is also a bit of a chore too!

Some PC Drives have a very close fitting to the ST ones, dont worry about the weird Atari shape, thats just the front, because internally they are normal.

Keep an eye out for broken white ( or the same colour as your case ) floppy drives, and see what bits you can use!

I found a few drives, and the button was fitting to the lever inside the drive mechanism, but it would not quite fit through the front plastic panel, so a file was put into good use there, and I ended up with a white case, and perfect loking white floppy drive, but it was all Atari inside!

At the end of the day though, take your time, if it looks shit now, just accept it, because it will all start to fall into place.

From start to finish, it took me about 2 weeks with all the bits I was toucing up here and there, and I ended up with a great system.

Oh, and as for the Reset switch, I dont know how it is on your FM, but mine I had to join it right at the back/right side, one wire connects to the earth going along the whole side of the board, and the other was a tiny farty little connection, tright on the reset switch itself! - it wasnt a good join, but it works, so I have used a dab of araldyte to keep it there!

Thats it!

Any more you might want to know, just ask me.

I am full of shit like this you know!

And by the way...

Good luck.


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