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 Subject: RE: ooo heck!
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   05-02-2001 04:44

Argh, the BIG "L" eh!

I know what you must have felt like.... I think?

My father has a weird blood disorder, caused by his old job, and he has too many white ( or red? ) blood cells, and he has to get it checked out every 3 months I think?

The doctors tell him that it most likely will turn into Lukaemia, and he is being treated for it, but as its not actually got it yet, they recon that when he does, his body will be immune to the treatment ( or something like that? )

Not only that, but last year, he lost the sight in one eye, and just a few months back, he started to loose the sight in the other one, but to ease things, he has had an operation in Feb this year, with lazers on his eyes, and he isnt too bad now. Poor twat eh?

Hey, I tell you what, it does make me feel a little better in a way, know that we are not the only ones who are in the shit lane of life, but its depressing the hell out of me to be honest! - At least we can say that we are much better off than a lot of people eh?

Did you see Lorenzo's Oil last night?

I have seen it before, but not actually given it much thought, but now that I have kids, it hit me like a stone! - I cried through it I will be honest! - funny isnt it? - Like I said, I have seen it a few times before, but I never cried, this time, the missus was taking the piss an' evryfin!

Hey, heres a similar story, that is close to me...

My mum works in a home for Physically handicapped people right. Now, there was a lad, of 19, who was brought in ( This is going back about 10-15 years now ) and what he had done, was dived into a river, off a local bridge a while before this, and he broke his spine in several places, crushed his skull, etc etc the list goes on, but he was a total 100% vegetable... even to the point of no return.

Now, my mother, and 3 other nurses were assigned to him, and they had to do everything for him, but like I said, he wasnt in the normal queue anymore, but they still did whatever they could for him.

Now, as I said, he was 19, and he could not even blink his eyes or anything, and after several years of this, he eventually gained the use of one eye, but without the ability to open it ( Weird! ) and after some more of that nursing / doctory stuff, they have now gotten all kinds of computer shit for him, and he was able to communicate in a basic way through this, and my mam said he was getting better and better all the time.

Now, I think it was about 2 years ago, it wasnt that long ago, that my mum just turned to me, and asked if I remember him, and she said that he has been able to move around in an electric wheelchair for some time, but he left his mother a message on the computer, and went out...

He killed himself by driving in front of a bus, and the message on the computer was that he thought his mother was wrong in trying to keep him alive, and he was sick of it all.

I felt sick when my mum told me this, but then as she said, you have to consider how the lad must have felt!.

God, now I am pissed off!

Here's something completely sick and way off course!

Did you know, that if you have your head cut off, nice and clean, that you are fully consious for long enough, that you can still try to cry for up to 40 seconds after, and if you are lucky, you will die in 15 - but its impossible for humans, and apes to die any quicker that way.

Sick I know, but my brother is studying that kind of crap, and hes showing me all this weird shit.


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