Subject: RE: weird atari 2600 ,, need help.. |
Author: Stone (
Date: 02-28-2001 00:49
Well, it appears to be the same as the old-style PC keyboard plugs (I have one - it was before the PS/2 port gained widespread acceptance). I think there was one on my BBC B (sold by my parents, to my eternal grief), but I can't remember exactly what it was. It was either for connection to a speaker / amp input, or to a tape recorder, I think, but I can't remember since I don't have a system to refer to. Troy is right, it _could_ be anything, but I'd put my money on a future cable to connect to a tape recorder (cable would be something like below, for the Beeb anyway):
wierd plug ________[= (to remote socket on recorder)
-| /
-| |===================---------------------------------[= (to earphone on recorder)
-|/ \_________[= (to mic on recorder)
Hope this is helpful in some way.