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 Subject: Re: Trax - Re: Damion
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   05-28-2001 04:10

It does not really matter how technical you are mate.

Whether you are right, or wrong makes no real difference either, its how you see things I suppose?

On one end of the stick of course, you have joe sitting in his bedroom, perhaps working on a small project that is taking him 8 days a week to do, and he eventually gets it done.
He could have started it before he had hairs in special places, and hes now just about to retire, and he is really proud of his program.

Whats wrong with him asking for something in return?

It might not be a ground breaker of a program, but to him it has just cost him his girlfriend or whatever ( I know about that - Oopps! ) but this is his price and joy. I think someone like that really deserves a pat on the back, and maybe if he's not asking too much, then sure, a small fee would be a nice gesture from us!

However, you also have those who already have the code down for a massive project, before its even got to the flowchart stage, most of this code is ripped off from spotty joe's pide & joy, and they complete the program in a week, they package it up in all kinds of crap, give it either a pamphlet which is useless, or a world class encyclopedia ( Foreign usually ) which is often again useless, and charge you a smegging fortune for it.

Again, like me, I have gone off and started to talk about bugger-all that is of any relevance to this topic, but surely you can thread it in there somewhere?

Some things at the end of the day, are worth the asking price. Some are not!

How you see it, is whether YOU think the asking price is fair or not?

If you think its fair, and you could do with that something extra that you wont get with another program, then great, you go and buy it.

If you dont think its fair, you simply do not!

I do feel though, that there are a few programs out there, that do give some extras, but the prices are way over what they are worth to even anyone, and I hope that those programs do get what I think they deserve, and thats the back shelf.

By the way, I just want to add this one.

I bought Papyrus 3.62 a few years ago, and its great isnt it?

Well, not too long after that, I bought a German PD CDROM, and guess what was on it?

Yeah, you guessed right, and its not a cut down version either, and nor is the CDROM a hookie either! - its a genuinne CD.

Typical eh? - I paid £70 I think for v3.62, and later on, I paid £12 for a ruddy CD with in on!

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            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:17 
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              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:45 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:05 
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           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:43 
            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:51 
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          RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-29-2001 05:04 
           RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new shalroth 05-29-2001 11:22 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:27 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Fat Rakoon 06-01-2001 23:32 
   RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:09 

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