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 Subject: RE: Actually...
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   05-28-2001 23:13

Now, I would like to argue, because I have The Genuinne AMD White-paper on the AM386DX-40 right here, and it clearly states that the processor is a 32-bit.

Everything about the 386 also points to it being a 32 bit too!

Windows 3 was able to a lot more because of the 386 being 32 and not 16 bit.

Linux too makes it quite clear, that it can only run on true 32 bit machines, for such issues as virtual memory, and it cannot run on 16 bit machines... Hence, you need a 386 or above.

I think this can also be verified only to a point with Linux M68k

Now, I would like to hope that you are right, and the Pentiums were the first 32 bit machines, but I am afraid, that going by what I know, its the 386.

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    RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Trax 05-25-2001 04:34 
     RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Mill 05-26-2001 02:09 
      RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Trax 05-26-2001 03:39 
       Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Mill 05-27-2001 00:59 
        Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-27-2001 17:02 
         Re: Trax - Re: Damion new nick 05-27-2001 23:48 
          Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Parris 05-28-2001 01:31 
           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:10 
            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:17 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Sinner 05-29-2001 08:57 
              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:45 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:05 
          Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:14 
           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:43 
            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:51 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 05:09 
              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new nick 05-28-2001 09:59 
              All of the above and less... new Parris 05-28-2001 22:19 
      RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Damion Jones 05-26-2001 20:26 
       Actually... new Fenix 05-28-2001 21:37 
        RE: Actually...  Damion Jones 05-28-2001 23:13 
         RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new TC Steve 05-29-2001 02:49 
          RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-29-2001 05:04 
           RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new shalroth 05-29-2001 11:22 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:27 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Fat Rakoon 06-01-2001 23:32 
   RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:09 

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