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 Subject: RE: Bill gates
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   05-29-2001 05:28

Yeah, but also another thing that Billy boy has on his back, is that Intel are trying to break out of their "Scratch my back" deal, and move into giving Linux more support too!

When ( Not if ) they do this, we will finally see the start of the Micro$oft decline.

Its bound to happen, and soon, and when this does happen, the lesser computers will ( Maybe? ) get some better credit than they are currently getting.

Also, to bring the debate a little back towards the Atari:-

Lets not forget though, that most people only buy a PC to access the internet. Maybe write the odd letter to auntie in timbuktoo of course, but mostly the internet.

Now, as standard, and ST is no good for anyone who wants the web, even touched up ( Steady! ) they cannot cope with high data demands required, and even the Falcon/TT has hassles.

Now, if an Atari compatible, was fully internet ready, with a good graphics card, and a fair sized hard disk, complete with a simple easy to install CDROM setup package, we would be in with a chance, but not before!

Programs for the Atari, that let you get onto the web, are many, of course there are, and some have shone through, and this is great, but at the end of the day, look at what you need to do to get them all talking... Its quite a task.

Now, you get a PC, and what do you do?

You put the CD in, and click on "OK" and its all done for you!

Not quite true of course, but its close!

The whole way that Atari's work, is that they are simple, easy, and never crash, but when it comes to what the masses want. It all goes out the window!

Are there any new Falcons for sale these days?

How much are they?

Now, if you wanted the internet on that, what are you looking at?

Ok, a better Hard Disk, a Monitor for it, a Modem... And the WWW Access Pack can be had for free cant it?

Now, the money you have just spent to do this, take it, and halve it... Go out on the razz for a whole weekend, and get absolutely slaughered, and pay for everyone elses beers too.

Now, with the change you have left over, build your own PC.

You will find that you still have a large enough wad of cash left to buy another PC probably?


I have found, that many Atari users, have said, that they are only using their PC to access the internet, and what they have in fact done, is slowly moved off using the atari altogether. Maybe not intentionally, but they have done it. Now, if their atari was easier, or whatever to get going, they would never had made the switch.

I have almost done the same, except I really do only use the PC for the internet, and for games, always have done!

I have Linux too on another few PC's but this is only because I am designing network software/hardware ( Sounds like I know what I am doing? - Wrong! ) and I still use the TT for serious work, and this is very close to changing because of only one small program that will cost me £80 to get for the atari, or I can use the same program on Windows, or Linux, both of which came with them free!

Bugger, I am starting to rant again....

Where's the medicine?

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              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:45 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:05 
          Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:14 
           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:43 
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          RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-29-2001 05:04 
           RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new shalroth 05-29-2001 11:22 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:27 
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   RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:09 

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