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 Subject: RE: So???
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   06-02-2001 05:20

Yeah! - All too true as to what software I have... Its far too much to be done by just me.

How could I possibly do it any other way seriously though?

The only way I can think of, is by putting what I have onto CDROM, and going from there!

I mean, a large directory list is not going to be all that helpful even if I can do that in just a relatively short time!?!?!

Ok, I think that would be a better option then... Getting a load of stuff onto CDROM.

Again, as I have no direct access to a CDRW, I will just fill up a HD and get it either to my dads or to neils ( Local Shop ) and I will do up a CDROM, and so on, until I get it all down.

I still have a few boxes of floppies to sort out, that I have not even looked at yet, so, I will concentrate more on them. I will of course be archiving them, and they too will be put to CD.

So, in the meantime then, I will get some stuff onto as many CDROMs as I can, and by the time they are done, I will have had some offers from people who are willing to take a look through whatever they wish to!


I have more thoughts, but I will leave it here for now.

I am very interested in some help to do that, as you say, its going to take one person far too long to compile.

I will be posting anything in the way of a list, onto


The site is a bugger though cos the banners write over the whole page, and this will be changing as soon as I can bothered to!

at this time, the page does not exist, but I will do a basic one now, and update it as soon as I do some sorting

 Topics Author  Date
  So??? new Trax 05-31-2001 16:01 
   RE: So??? new Damion Jones 05-31-2001 21:12 
    RE: So??? new Mill 06-01-2001 01:00 
     RE: So??? new Fat Rakoon 06-01-2001 06:06 
      RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-01-2001 08:41 
    RE: So??? new Trax 06-01-2001 02:00 
     RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-01-2001 09:07 
      So??? Let's work! new Trax 06-01-2001 19:24 
       RE: So??? Let's work! new Fat Rakoon 06-01-2001 19:48 
       RE: So??? Let's work! new Joshua Kaijankoski 06-02-2001 04:10 
      RE: So???  Fat Rakoon 06-02-2001 05:20 
       RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-02-2001 05:34 
        RE: So??? new Fat Rakoon 06-02-2001 06:11 
         RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 03:37 
          RE: So??? new Damion 06-05-2001 20:40 
   RE: So??? new Fat Rakoon 06-04-2001 20:40 
    RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 10:10 
     RE: So??? new Damion 06-05-2001 20:44 
      RE: So??? new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 21:27 
       RE: So??? new Trax 06-05-2001 21:59 
        RE: Soooo????????? new Murdoc Addams 06-09-2001 11:37 
         RE: Soooo????????? new Mintboy 06-09-2001 16:11 
          RE: Soooo????????? new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 21:21 
         RE: Soooo????????? new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 21:08 

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