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 Subject: RE: I had a dream...
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   06-05-2001 01:40


Also, having 3D Like its possible with 3DFX / GL / OpenGL is not just a matter of adding the card and writing a driver for it. the whole O/S has to be able to at least recognise that such a thing could be possibly, maybe added, and therefore needs to have certain things in there for the driver to communicate with the card.

Unlike what many PC owners think, the biggest thing to improve gaming speed, is the graphics card, and NOT the CPU ( As proof of this, I installed UnReal Tournament on a Pentium 90 with a Voodoo 4-4500 and a Duron 650 with an orchid Righteous ( Voodoo 1 ) and the P-90 beat it hands down! ) - Both had the same Memory, and Hard Disk.

Also you must remember, that the Machine also has to be able to support such a thing too!

I have been writing some Mesa routines ( Glide for Linux ) for an on-the-fly raytracer and there is a lot more to it than you would think, even if there was a voodoo card for any atari ( And I think there is actually ) the results will never be anywhere near what they are on the PC maybe for stills yes, but not for animation of any kind unless we break the speed barrier we are all so scared of, and ditch slow processors like the Falcon, TT, Milan 1 etc and only go for 66Mhz and above, and we will also need to address the "We dont need RAM" issues too! - Sure, we do not need tons of ram for 99% of the stuff we use, but if we all made the effort to get more RAM, the program would be written to use it, and therefore, they will have more in them, making them better quality in the long run.

I am all for not needing loads of ram, and HD Space, but there is a time to stop and look at how things are going with the the atari, and the reason we are now stagnating, is simply because we are not bothered to upgrade the little things, and so the programmers who matter are not bothered to write anything bigger, or better ( Not quite true, but you see my point! )

Ok, I have also turned that into something different, so I will stop it there!

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        RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 23:01 
         RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-06-2001 05:54 
         RE: I had a dream... new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:01 
      RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:50 
       RE: I had a dream... new Jan Thomas 06-06-2001 13:38 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-07-2001 22:03 
    Sweden new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:07 

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