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 Subject: RE: I had a dream...
Author: Brian Van Tilborg (
Date:   06-05-2001 05:34

Murdoc Addams wrote:
Hmm... Sounds to me like individual programmers could benefit from an organizataion of some sort, to coordinate projects, abilities, exchange information on what needs to be done, what is possible, even teach each other new skills.

Just a thought...



Well there is no programming forum here.

However there is still the programming newsgroup,

Not many posts anymore, but when questions are asked, there are answers.

 Topics Author  Date
  I had a dream... new Fenix 06-04-2001 22:09 
   RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 00:02 
    RE: I had a dream... new Anders Eriksson 06-05-2001 00:38 
     RE: I had a dream... new Fat Rakoon 06-05-2001 01:40 
      RE: I had a dream... new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 05:09 
       RE: I had a dream...  Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:34 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-05-2001 20:55 
        RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 23:01 
         RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-06-2001 05:54 
         RE: I had a dream... new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:01 
      RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:50 
       RE: I had a dream... new Jan Thomas 06-06-2001 13:38 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-07-2001 22:03 
    Sweden new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:07 

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