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 Subject: RE: Supra Drive + CDROM
Author: Brian Van Tilborg (
Date:   06-05-2001 06:02

Most supra drives are finicky at best when adding devices. Depending on the model, I am only familiar with the 20meg drives and it didn't have an Asci out.

That said, and IDE CD rom requires an IDE interface. A falcon has one. An ST and TT did not come with one.

You will need something like Mario Becrofts IDE adapter for either the STe or the ST. This will give you TOS 2.6 roms which you will need to boot an IDE drive.
Now I think HD DRIVER now supports IDE CDROM Boots, but don't quote me.

The best way to go is a SCSI external CDROM. There are freeware drivers such as SPIN. Commercial Drivers such as EXTENDO DOS GOLD.

However if you have an ST you will still need an ASCI to SCSI adapter.

One thing I would check for is if you have an asci out port on your supra.

Hope this helps for a start.

 Topics Author  Date
  Supra Drive + CDROM new Facundo 06-04-2001 21:24 
   RE: Supra Drive + CDROM new Fenix 06-04-2001 22:11 
    RE: Supra Drive + CDROM new Facundo 06-04-2001 22:18 
     RE: Supra Drive + CDROM  Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 06:02 
      RE: Supra Drive + CDROM new Facundo 06-05-2001 21:05 
       RE: Supra Drive + CDROM new Brian Van Tilborg 06-06-2001 06:01 
        RE: Supra Drive + CDROM new Facundo 06-06-2001 19:29 

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