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 Subject: RE: Info on Falcons Please......
Author: Atarigalen (
Date:   06-05-2001 06:46

Nick Keast wrote:
>from what i have been able to gather a Falcon is the most expandable? with scsi >and ide and vme and plenty of memory space.
Yes to built in SCSI and IDE. 14MB of memory space.

>But what i need are soem really detailed specs for them
>Such as:- what hardware they support ie types of monitors etc
Any standard VGA style monitor (built in is only 640x480x256, but you can get 800x600 with a free software expander). As for other hardware, standard serial modems, most parallel printers, certain digital cameras and scanners, and nearly any CDRW can be made to work.

>how good the specialist software is for them etc etc
Mostly you get 2-4x ST speed with the equivalent of ST High resolution in 256 colors. 95% of "serious" software and 50% of "games" for the ST work right out of the box. Only a little specialty software was produced.

>and i had heard that u can use vga and st monitors with them if so how much >would it set me back for just the cpu unit(with keryboard and all)
About $400 for a 14MB version with built in hard drive. Prices and demand vary significantly though. As the last ones were built roughly seven years ago, Ebay is probably your best chance of getting one.


 Topics Author  Date
  Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 06:02 
   RE: Info on Falcons Please......  Atarigalen 06-05-2001 06:46 
    RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 08:35 
     RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 08:37 
      RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new shalroth 06-05-2001 12:59 
       RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 13:24 
        RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new shalroth 06-05-2001 19:14 
         RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-06-2001 01:13 
          RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new shalroth 06-06-2001 14:27 

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