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 Subject: RE: Info on Falcons Please......
Author: shalroth (
Date:   06-05-2001 12:59

CPU: 68030, 16MHz
RAM: 1,4 or 14MB
DSP: 32MHz Motorola 56001
HDD: Internal IDE, External SCSI-2
1.44MByte MS-DOS compatible floppy disk drive
Ports: 9-pin serial, 25-pin Parallel, SCSI-2, MIDI, Mouse/Joystick, Enhanced joystick (like STe), Microphone In, Headphone Out, Cartridge port, SCSI-2

Internal CPU-direct (not VME!!!) slot for emulator, accelerator, video upgrade.

Cosmetically the machine is the same as an STFM, but with a dark grey keyboard (and the ATARI word on the badge is in stooopid colours)

as for a picture - go to and search the completed items for item #1236773057 - that's MY falcon!!

More info, software etc - mail me.

 Topics Author  Date
  Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 06:02 
   RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Atarigalen 06-05-2001 06:46 
    RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 08:35 
     RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 08:37 
      RE: Info on Falcons Please......  shalroth 06-05-2001 12:59 
       RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-05-2001 13:24 
        RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new shalroth 06-05-2001 19:14 
         RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new Nick Keast 06-06-2001 01:13 
          RE: Info on Falcons Please...... new shalroth 06-06-2001 14:27 

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