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 Subject: RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice?
Author: shalroth (
Date:   06-05-2001 18:59

As far as I know, you can use any internal RAM upgrade for an older ST computer - I have a Marpet 512K upgrade board and the manual has fitting instructions for Mega ST as well as ST/STFM. I can check again and see if it's compatible, I have a Mega 2 but I'm not touching the insidesof it for a while, I also have a 4Meg STE, Falcon and a TT (with 20MB of RAM) so I don't need the Marpet board any more...

 Topics Author  Date
  MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-05-2001 15:18 
   RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new TC Steve 06-05-2001 17:11 
   RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 17:11 
   RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice?  shalroth 06-05-2001 18:59 
    RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-05-2001 22:17 
     RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new shalroth 06-06-2001 14:24 
      RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-07-2001 02:48 
       RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Brian Van Tilborg 06-07-2001 06:17 
        RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-07-2001 16:04 
      RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-07-2001 16:08 
       RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Shalroth 06-08-2001 16:14 
        RE: MEGA Internals. Any advice? new Parris 06-08-2001 17:46 

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