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 Subject: RE: I had a dream...
Author: Brian Van Tilborg (
Date:   06-06-2001 05:54

Jeppe wrote:
I wouldn't most likely post there, if you are not begging to get spammed - or most likely mailbombed. (bad previously experiences with this).


Ok Jeppe, I promise not to mailbomb you again;-). Seriously, Posting on a NG isn't worse than an open Forum board. Seems to be enough cookies on webpages for a spammers wet dream. NGs are pretty easy to block spamming to your mailbox. However, on a computer not used for NG, I have roughly 30 spam emails a day. Great isn't it. Love this cablemodem. Even more fun is the 35 to 40 accesses to the firewall that are caught.

I wouldn't hesitate to post , and I don't hesistate to post, on any NG, especially when I am looking for an answer. I have found more information there, then on all the other web base message boards combined. Plus its lots faster.

Well, on the ST it is alot faster;-).

Later Brian.

 Topics Author  Date
  I had a dream... new Fenix 06-04-2001 22:09 
   RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 00:02 
    RE: I had a dream... new Anders Eriksson 06-05-2001 00:38 
     RE: I had a dream... new Fat Rakoon 06-05-2001 01:40 
      RE: I had a dream... new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 05:09 
       RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:34 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-05-2001 20:55 
        RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 23:01 
         RE: I had a dream...  Brian Van Tilborg 06-06-2001 05:54 
         RE: I had a dream... new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:01 
      RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:50 
       RE: I had a dream... new Jan Thomas 06-06-2001 13:38 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-07-2001 22:03 
    Sweden new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:07 

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