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 Subject: RE: I had a dream...
Author: Damion (
Date:   06-07-2001 22:03

Exactimundo my dear friend!

Pretty sad an pathetic isnt it?

Hey, just for you to think about...

My AMD K6/2 400mhz vs My TT

While no one will argue that the 400 is immensely faster than the TT, under real, everyday use, this is simply not true!

I want to view a HTML Page, on the TT its around a second to load, and depending on the size, another second or 2 to format, and display, but on the AMD, I am looking at 5-10 seconds for Netscape to run, and then another 3 seconds for it to display.

I want to edit the page, I click on the view Source Icon, and in less than a second QED is there with the file ready to work on, but netscape, loads up the editor, and then from in the editor, I have to view the source!

Ok, so I can cut out NetScape altogether, and just use the Konquerer browser, and Kwrite to edit, but even then, I am looking at 10 seconds or more!

No, seriously, the PC may be faster for many things, but general work, its bollocks!

Oh, and by the way, my HD is a UDMA66 and I get a reliable 30-35MB a Second, while the TT I may get maybe a meg on a good day.

 Topics Author  Date
  I had a dream... new Fenix 06-04-2001 22:09 
   RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 00:02 
    RE: I had a dream... new Anders Eriksson 06-05-2001 00:38 
     RE: I had a dream... new Fat Rakoon 06-05-2001 01:40 
      RE: I had a dream... new Murdoc Addams 06-05-2001 05:09 
       RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:34 
        RE: I had a dream... new Damion 06-05-2001 20:55 
        RE: I had a dream... new Jeppe 06-05-2001 23:01 
         RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-06-2001 05:54 
         RE: I had a dream... new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:01 
      RE: I had a dream... new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:50 
       RE: I had a dream... new Jan Thomas 06-06-2001 13:38 
        RE: I had a dream...  Damion 06-07-2001 22:03 
    Sweden new Fenix 06-06-2001 16:07 

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