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 Subject: RE: Atari International - The name
Author: Parris (
Date:   06-10-2001 02:58

Atari International sounds very official, and may be good as the main point of contact for all of the smaller projects. Atari Genesis on the other hand has a ring to it that quite frankly I liked from the moment I checked Fat's PD site. As an umbrella organisation, perhaps the various arms/spheres/forums/groups or activities could be held under the Atari International name, such as you find (and here I go again with the Record Company example (YAWN!)) that a large organisation assists a number of smaller units. i.e. Universal Music International is the holder of a number of smaller independent Record Labels and provides World-Wide assistance with distribution/promotion etc. It's the big guy, helping out a whole series of little guys for the greater good...

Perhaps what is required is that the bulk of the important Atari site runners / organisers are contacted, to pool the number of people available. From then on, actually put it out to the wider community and see what comes back. We might all be amazed at precisely what could happen if a fire is lit. I also agree that an official organisation or body should exist, which then opens discussions with Infogrames and other interested parties. On our own, as users or active members of the wider community we are just going to be like small voices in the wilderness. As a stronger, more logical and comprehensive set-up soft-pressure could be applied to those who really have a say in what happens to Atari.

I waffle a bit, sorry! I agree with the above and those are my reasons. P.S. It might take a long time for Infogrames to actually openly discuss their proposals (if ever!) and one person saying 'Excuse me!' can easily be over looked, whereas an entire community asking will probably get a result!

What we all want is to be able to provide a coherent base, so that any Atari user (new or old) can type 'Atari' into their search engine and come up with a plethora of resources. PD Software libraries, technical assistance, forums for discussion on any number of subjects, assistance in obtaining or moving Atari parts etc. Whatever! That way this community won't just go the way of many other so called 'vintage' computer users...

There are a number of sites that provide much of the information and help above, but pull them all into the one area, like an Atari Directory of Resources. This ADR can be the responsibility of perhaps Atari International...

I'll shut-up now!


 Topics Author  Date
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    RE: Atari International - The name new Trax 06-10-2001 01:13 
     RE: Atari International - The name  Parris 06-10-2001 02:58 
      RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-10-2001 03:57 
      RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:35 
     RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-10-2001 03:49 
     RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:39 
      RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:44 
       RE: Atari International - The name new Parris 06-10-2001 12:53 
      RE: Atari International - The name new hylst 06-11-2001 13:43 
       RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:25 
        RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:44 
        RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-12-2001 00:45 

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