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 Subject: RE: Atari International - The name
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   06-10-2001 03:57

Sorry, what was that again?

No, seriously, its just like that advert with the bear, and the andts isnt it?

"Excuse me!" etc,etc,etc

As a few of us are starting to realise, if we get of our arse, and give this a go, I mean, at least put some effort into it, then we have something on the other side, that we would not have otherwise.

What we have on the other side is yet to be seen, but from my end ( Steady! ) its looking very rosy.

I for one am very exited about all of this. For me, its almost like Xmas when I was a kid.

I am serious about that actually.

I love my Ataris.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari International new Trax 06-09-2001 17:46 
   RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 21:33 
    RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-09-2001 23:37 
     RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 23:48 
      RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:29 
    RE: Atari International - The name new Trax 06-10-2001 01:13 
     RE: Atari International - The name new Parris 06-10-2001 02:58 
      RE: Atari International - The name  FatRakoon 06-10-2001 03:57 
      RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:35 
     RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-10-2001 03:49 
     RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:39 
      RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:44 
       RE: Atari International - The name new Parris 06-10-2001 12:53 
      RE: Atari International - The name new hylst 06-11-2001 13:43 
       RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:25 
        RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:44 
        RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-12-2001 00:45 

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