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 Subject: RE: Atari International - The name
Author: Parris (
Date:   06-10-2001 12:53

Oooooohhh! A.I.

D'ya know I had not really thought about it until you mentioned it just now (cause I'm not into artificial intelligence), but the term 'Atari Intelligence' sounds like a good name. Might have undertones of the C.I.A. or F.B.I. though, it sounds kind of sneaky...

Might be to long winded, yet 'Atari International Intelligence Agency' has that 'ring' too! We could have secret hand shakes and wear black suits with shades!

Sorry, I know this is a very serious series of discussions, but I like my bit of fun now and again...

As for me? Well, I've used Atari's for a considerable amount of time (since they first appeared on the market. I saved up for months to buy one as a lad) but have only really used them for a) gaming b) MIDI work.

I am actually a DJ & Music Journalist by trade and have also worked as a European Music promoter for a Radio & TV organisation. Other work includes Student / College Radio managment. I also used to edit a magazine, and these days I write for an American company in Washington DC for the French Record industry. So, I can tell you a little about the trials and tribulations of Pan-European & International organisation. I actually co-founded a Radio station in Glasgow (Scotland, UK). I love writing, so can assist with staff writing, editing etc.

Fat's knows that I'm also a PC user (SHAME!) and know Publisher & FrontPage (or Front Pants as Fat's described it) backwards. So, I can possibly help with the front end of the Web design. I don't do the admin bit though, never got into database work much.

When it comes down to the technical aspects of the Atari computers, then please for everyone's sake rule me out!!! I can strip and repair the things almost blind fold, but I don't know what I'm doing.

Better still is that within the next few months I shall be concentrating on bringing up my daughter, working from home for the American project and have 'some' (if even limited) time on my hands to donate some of it to this project, if required.

P.S. Please note, I'm not bossy, just a boss!


(I was up until 5am, so grammer and type 'o's abound!)

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      RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-10-2001 07:44 
       RE: Atari International - The name  Parris 06-10-2001 12:53 
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        RE: Atari International - The name new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:44 
        RE: Atari International - The name new FatRakoon 06-12-2001 00:45 

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