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 Subject: RE: Infogrames & Atari
Author: Parris (
Date:   06-11-2001 03:32

Good news or bad news? I came across the following at site I've mentioned below. It gives a slightly different slant to the Infogrames situation. I tried to translate the text (perhaps it would be easier for someone else) but I found that I couldn't unravel it completely as the text didn't appear to elude to certain details that I'd have thought necessary.

The site I found this on was
If there is copyright on this material, then I truly apologise to the writer of the site and hope that he/she shall see the significance of me placing it here for discussion. As I mention the link, we should be okay.

-ATARI change encore de proprietaire :
Apres quelques rumeurs du rachat des droits ATARI par Microsoft, c’est finalement INFOGRAMES Entertainement qui a racheté Hasbro Interactive et donc ATARI ce 6 decembre pour 100 millions de dollars (5 millions en cash, et le reste en titres).
Devant les pertes d’Hasbro cette année, lors de l’annonce du rachat, l’action d’infogrames a perdu 10,42 %.
Mais Infogrames renforce ainsi sa force de vente sur le continent Americain, selon les specialiste financiers, Infogrammes accusera des pertes pendant 2 ans, mais devrait mieux se porter à l’issue

Atari changes hands again

After rumours that the brand name Atari had been bought by MicroSoft, it was finally announced that Infogrames Entertainment bought Hasbro Interactive, and thus Atari on 6th December for $100 million ($5 million in cash, the rest in titles (?))

Facing loses this year, Hasbro announced the sale (and then something about loses of up to 10.42%, but I don't know what that eludes too. It could be sales, places on the stock exchange or anything. Sorry, the site was not more specific!) Infogrames strengthens its sales structure on the American continent....(Again it could be Hasbro here, or Atari or Infogrames loses, but it mentions an accounts department dealing with the 2 yr decline in sales.) WHOS? WHERE? It doesn't say...

> The problem here for me was that there were % figures mentioned that didn't seem to make sense, who's figures are they?

Anyway what seems to be important to me is this.
a) We need to understand HOW & WHY Atari was purchased by Infogrames. It would appear from the above that it was part of a deal when they actually purchased 'Hasbro Interactive', yet that could be the corporate name that Hasbro gave to their Atari project?
Does anyone here know Hasbro?
b) Infogrames have strengthened their ability to trade in the USA. How? Just purchasing Atari wasn't going to assist them, so perhaps it was Hasbro Interactive they were after, and they just happened to get Atari at the same time?
c) Where does that leave Atari?

The above text was very short, not complete (as far as I can see) and obviously could have been inaccurate. The details could also only be ALLEGED. We shouldn't hold much stock by this, but it does appear that the Atari story may be just as complicated and uncertain as ever it has been. Infogrames may not be the light at the end of a tunnel, or they may have grand plans.

We'll all just have to wait and see, but if anyone can shed light on this, it's the horses mouth. So, as soon as I hear anything concrete, I'll post it here.


 Topics Author  Date
  Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-09-2001 03:37 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Mintboy 06-09-2001 04:43 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Joshua Kaijankoski 06-09-2001 05:48 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Murdoc Addams 06-09-2001 11:28 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new shalroth 06-12-2001 13:37 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 23:57 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new Mintboy 06-10-2001 17:06 
     RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-10-2001 17:24 
      RE: Infogrames & Atari  Parris 06-11-2001 03:32 
       RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-11-2001 16:21 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-11-2001 17:09 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:41 

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