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 Subject: RE: A.I & Genesis Update
Author: Parris (
Date:   06-12-2001 14:09

Right, thus far I've had one reply from INFOGRAMES in the USA. Tom Richardson was mentioned on their official site, so I sent him an email similar to the one I posted a few days ago...

I'm not the best person to answer these questions so I forwarded your e-mail on to people in our headquarters in NY. They will get back to you.

It's great that you're keeping the Atari torch burning. I'm a big fan too.


Not an amazing reply, but a reply non the less, so perhaps a) the fact that he bothered b) the 'I'm a big fan too.' should give us some comfort.

Next thing...

Getting into the A.I. forum on Yahoo is a nightmare and possibly keeping people back from entering as it took me 20mins of mucking about to even get somewhere with their illogical entry form!

Next thing...

I've bought that MEGA 4 STe, should be here in a few weeks (as I've sent a cheque.. BOING!!!)

Next thing...

Fat's the HDD Still didn't turn up?! Where exactly did you send it?

Next thing...

Cover disks and free software. I've worked with material like this and the general public have a rather strange view of it. Firstly, the fact that it's been given away doesn't affect the copyright, secondly it doesn't affect it's overall value to the company that produced it. For us it's a pain as stuff we could get our hands on 8yrs ago for ZIP, is now going to be locked away, unless we can coax the production companies into some clear thinking. Good luck!

Must dash,


 Topics Author  Date
  A.I & Genesis Update new FatRakoon 06-11-2001 20:27 
   RE: A.I & Genesis Update new Matthias 06-11-2001 22:18 
    RE: A.I & Genesis Update new FatRakoon 06-11-2001 22:34 
     RE: A.I & Genesis Update new Matthias 06-12-2001 01:04 
      RE: A.I & Genesis Update new FatRakoon 06-12-2001 03:04 
       RE: A.I & Genesis Update  Parris 06-12-2001 14:09 
        RE: A.I registration new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 16:58 

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