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 Subject: RE: me and my teety
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   06-15-2001 01:58

Hello my old cocker.

Right, yes, the TT has fans that can drown the noise from a jumbo jet on full throttle, but hey, at least you knopw they are working eh?

Yeah, I too got rid of them withing about a month, as it was waking the baby up in the next room ( Honestly! )

Right, a lot of PC Floppy Drives work in the TT actually! - I tried one, it didnt work, so I tried another, and that did! - They were both bog-standard SONY jobs, and I looked at the one that didnt, and it has a couple of switches, so I piddled about with the switch, and that worked, so maybe....

Lets be honest, a PC Floppy drive for a fiver, or an Atari one for your mortgage!


You have a choice, of getting it up to 4MB for £200 ( ARGH! ) or accepting the 2MB, and getting a TTRAM adapter that will let you put EDO RAM into it, the adapter is £100.
They can be had from Atari Workshop.

erm, Linux for the TT eh?

Step 1 - Get more RAM...
Step 2 - Get even more
Step 3 - No, I meant a lot more than that!

Step 4 - Now that you have your 10MB STRAM, and 64MB TT RAM, get back in touch with me, and I will send you a copy of the DEBIAN LINUX M68K

No, seriously, I have the 4 CD Set of Atari TT Linux, but it needs a minimum of 8MB to get a good working setup, and at least 4MB just to do anything at all!

As some bait for you, check this out:-

It outperforms my AMD Duron with Mandrake 7.2

Thats true, and annoys everyone at the Linux Group.

All I can say is


back to sanity.

If you want a copy of a 2-floppy disk Linux, then say so, and I will dig it out. If you want a copy of the CD set, then send me 4 blank CDROMs and I will get them to you.

I would seriously consider getting another Hard Disk too! - 1GB is too small for a serious setup, and be warned... This version can re-partition your disks for you, and let you have TOS, ext2, minix filesystems yes, but it wont re-size your TOS partitions, it will wipe them.

I myself use seperate drives! - Much simpler.

 Topics Author  Date
  me and my teety new asteroid76 06-14-2001 17:51 
   RE: me and my teety  FatRakoon 06-15-2001 01:58 
    RE: me and my teety new shalroth 06-20-2001 14:46 
     RE: me and my teety new FatRakoon 06-20-2001 20:57 
      RE: me and my teety new FatRakoon 06-20-2001 22:25 

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