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 Subject: RE: Atari International
Author: Fat american Animal Thingy (
Date:   06-15-2001 21:48

Well, I tell you what...

I have tons of PC's, I have pretty much EVERY kind of O/S there is on the bloody things.

MDDOS, Win 1 ( MS Exec ), Win 3.11, Win95, Win98, Win ME ( Now another coaster ) and Win NT, also I have every release of Linux there is ( I think? ) including most Unix/QNX Type clones etc and also BEOS.

Why the hell do you think, that I take my Atari Machines more seriously that any of those?

Now, as bog-standard machines, yes, the atari is no-where near as good as a PC, but I consider thigns in the real world, and I think everyone else should too!

The whole way my Atari's work, is so much better at everythign that the PC's are, its runs software far faster, and reliably than the PC's do, and I have far more control than I do on the PC as well.

In terms of games, well I for one, have the PC for them. I use the Atari for the serious stuff simply because the PC's just cannot do what I need them to!

Software? - I have far more software on the Atari than I have on the PC, and going by what I see on the PC I am not that impressed. I am impressed when I see my Atari still right up the arse of anything windows has ripped off ( Sorry, invented... from other peoples ideas ).

I dont think that anyone can honestly judge what Atari's are really capable of until they actually bother to install a sensible O/S and run through some proper software. then, when they see that an atari can do anything that a PC can do ( Within sensible boundaries of course! ) then they will see for them selves that Windows really is a pile of cats wank!

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari International new Trax 06-13-2001 22:04 
   RE: Atari International new Parris 06-13-2001 22:46 
    RE: Atari International new Trax 06-14-2001 01:19 
     RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 04:13 
      RE: Atari International new Trax 06-14-2001 04:32 
       RE: Atari International new Parris 06-14-2001 10:20 
        RE: Atari International new hylst 06-14-2001 13:33 
         RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-14-2001 15:45 
          RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 21:51 
       RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 21:13 
       RE: Atari International new Flash 06-15-2001 06:07 
        RE: Atari International new Parris 06-15-2001 11:34 
         RE: Atari International  Fat american Animal Thingy 06-15-2001 21:48 
        RE: Atari International new Fat american Animal Thingy 06-15-2001 21:56 
         RE: Atari International new Flash 06-16-2001 03:13 
          RE: Atari International new Fat american Animal Thingy 06-16-2001 03:32 
           RE: Atari International new shalroth 06-20-2001 14:31 
        RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-16-2001 09:38 
         RE: Atari International new Parris 06-16-2001 10:43 
          RE: Atari International new shalroth 06-20-2001 14:41 

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