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 Subject: RE: Atari International
Author: Parris (
Date:   06-16-2001 10:43

I too can confirm that Jean-Michel Jarre has used Atari computers since the 70's,right up 'til today, although it is not strictly true that this is ALL he has used. He may have forgotten that he used Fairlights and Eventide Sequencers for a while (and didn't Roland or someone produce a MIDI computer that was crap? He's got an equipment list the length of a Marathon) but he did! I COULD/SHOULD have mentioned him when discussing Atari music, but as I find his music now rather bland and repetitive it's hardly a good advert is it now. The best album he wrote was 'Oxygene 7-13' (97ish), an analogue re-working of his 70's smash album 'Oxygene'. There was a REMIX album produced a few years ago called 'Odyssey into O2', which features so stunning music. Sorry, that's the music journalist in me...

All of those albums are 'Sony / Dreyfus Disques'

There are literally hundreds of Atari musicians that I've come across.

1) Few of the existing Atari users who (like myself) have dabble for years, have ever discovered the true potential of their Atari computers because nobody has shouted loud enough to tell us about the things that these machines can really do. It is a lonely planet for most Atari users.

2) Atari themselves are partly to blame. They produced an A1 computer, but as the backers were so lax, not enough attention was then paid to O/S and additional structures.

3) There might be a small amount of BIAS in this forum, but what we are trying to achieve is a better Atari community. You (whether you like it or not) are part of that amd perhaps one day you'll assist us, and we might assist you... Your discussions are throwign light on many of the questions we wanted to address ourselves.

In no way does A.I. have all the answers, nor can it wave a magic wand and suddenly Bill Gates will see the light and pour money into a 15yr old format! (Bill think about though, eh!)

We want to groupd as many of these forums, discussion groups, Atari ezines and site together so that when anyone has anything from a basic to a technical question regarding Atari computer, bingo they can find it. A.I. should become the first port of call.

We aren't trying to undermine the work of sites such as or etc, these are valuable and do their own thing, we just want to link them all together.

That surely can't be a bad thing, and is as much about helping one another get the best from ourselves, as our machines.

Oh, I sound like Arthur C Clarke now!!!!

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari International new Trax 06-13-2001 22:04 
   RE: Atari International new Parris 06-13-2001 22:46 
    RE: Atari International new Trax 06-14-2001 01:19 
     RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 04:13 
      RE: Atari International new Trax 06-14-2001 04:32 
       RE: Atari International new Parris 06-14-2001 10:20 
        RE: Atari International new hylst 06-14-2001 13:33 
         RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-14-2001 15:45 
          RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 21:51 
       RE: Atari International new FatRakoon 06-14-2001 21:13 
       RE: Atari International new Flash 06-15-2001 06:07 
        RE: Atari International new Parris 06-15-2001 11:34 
         RE: Atari International new Fat american Animal Thingy 06-15-2001 21:48 
        RE: Atari International new Fat american Animal Thingy 06-15-2001 21:56 
         RE: Atari International new Flash 06-16-2001 03:13 
          RE: Atari International new Fat american Animal Thingy 06-16-2001 03:32 
           RE: Atari International new shalroth 06-20-2001 14:31 
        RE: Atari International new Murdoc Addams 06-16-2001 09:38 
         RE: Atari International  Parris 06-16-2001 10:43 
          RE: Atari International new shalroth 06-20-2001 14:41 

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