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 Subject: RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi
Author: Fredrik Olsson (
Date:   10-18-2001 11:50

Now using BPEG to pack BSP maps would be utterly stupidity. BSP (Binary Space Partition) maps are used to optimize rendering and collision of geometry and has nothing to do with graphics data bitmap or other. As PBEG is lossy AND made for image data, it can not be done. Secondly the graphics in Jaguar Doom is not packed with BPEG, it has the same format as all other version 256 palette based rowbased with offsets for transparancy. The only fifference for the Jaguar is that the lookup table for lightning does not fetch the closest color from the 256 color palette but rather the exact truecolor value.

My own fair guess for why they use the Jaguar version is because it is the most Memory restrective. That is why the Jaguar version lacks alot of textures and has simplier level geometry.

 Topics Author  Date
  Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag version new T.Wellicome 09-14-2001 22:37 
   RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Stone 09-16-2001 10:40 
   RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new shalroth 09-20-2001 10:41 
    RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Stone 09-22-2001 09:46 
     RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Shalroth 09-24-2001 16:47 
      RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Stone 09-25-2001 13:30 
       RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new shalroth 09-25-2001 13:42 
        RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Stone 10-01-2001 21:00 
         RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Fredrik Olsson 10-18-2001 12:43 
          RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new alexander holland 10-26-2001 18:30 
           RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Shalroth 12-19-2001 13:13 
          RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Stone 11-07-2001 23:35 
     RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Shalroth 09-24-2001 16:48 
      RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new T.Wellicome 09-24-2001 20:44 
    RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi  Fredrik Olsson 10-18-2001 11:50 
     RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Shalroth 10-18-2001 17:48 
      RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new someguy 10-26-2001 19:35 
       RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Shalroth 10-30-2001 18:49 
   RE: Game Boy Advance Doom based on Atari Jag versi new Elliot 10-21-2001 19:59 

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