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 Subject: RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead?
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   06-28-2001 00:00

My heart bleeds for you mate!

No, really it does ( Snigger! )

I can see that this is going back to the issue where my TT seems to play all ST ONLY stuff perfectly, but has trouble playing TT only stuff???

Cubase ( 2 / 3 / Audio + Audio Falcon ) all run great, Obsession & Substation play absolutely spanking, even turrican 2 plays fine but stupidly fast but try to run a TT screen saver, and I will trash the system completely ???

Someone ocne said ( on actually ) that I might have some kind of ST Daughterboard, but although I dont, its certainly got me finkin'

Whats the internals of yours?

I have a bunch of weird crap in mine, and its been altered in many ways! - before, and after I had it.

Once again, all I can say is


Anyway, my car is red, so its faster than yours.

 Topics Author  Date
  STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead? new MASTED STEDMA 06-20-2001 16:21 
   RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead? new Fat Rakoon 06-25-2001 22:43 
    RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead? new DAMSTE 06-26-2001 05:05 
     RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead? new Fat Rakoon 06-26-2001 20:03 
      RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead? new shalroth 06-27-2001 14:24 
       RE: STE DMA noise! Fix with ferrite bead?  Fat Rakoon 06-28-2001 00:00 

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