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 Subject: RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   06-28-2001 00:10

Just an example if you want to know about UK being so bloody expensive...

I have a few PC's

I am just putting the finishing touches on my latest, and I am using it right now.

Its a Duron 800, Freshly clocked to 1.05 Ghz, it has 256MB, a 17" Monitor, 40GBHD, and how much has it cost me to build?


Yes, one hundred, and twenty quid!


American/African or Australian bits mate!

Bollocks to UK prices!

Oh, the case is UK, and so is the mouse & Keyboard, but I bought them a while back, so ok, its about £150 then, but its still cheap!

Now, why cant Atari bits be like that?

 Topics Author  Date
  ST Repairing 10 years after they died out experime new Richard 06-19-2001 22:21 
   RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Parris 06-19-2001 23:43 
    RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Richard 06-20-2001 07:48 
   RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new j.d.bear 06-20-2001 11:45 
    RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Parris 06-20-2001 12:01 
   RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Richard 06-20-2001 20:26 
    RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Parris 06-26-2001 15:32 
     RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new richard smith 06-26-2001 18:11 
      RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Parris 06-26-2001 18:27 
       RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new richard smith 06-26-2001 19:30 
        RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Parris 06-27-2001 12:45 
         RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe  Fat Rakoon 06-28-2001 00:10 
          RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new richard smith 06-29-2001 21:25 
           RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Fat Rakoon 06-30-2001 02:38 
            RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new richard smith 06-30-2001 13:01 
             RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new Fat Rakoon 06-30-2001 20:14 
              RE: ST Repairing 10 years after they died out expe new richard smith 07-01-2001 13:27 
   ST boards FS new asteroid76 06-29-2001 12:34 
    RE: ST boards FS new richard smith 06-29-2001 21:26 
     RE: ST boards FS new Parris 07-14-2001 21:56 

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