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 Subject: RE: What type of RAM?
Author: shalroth (
Date:   07-18-2001 15:22

My TT has a GEsoft RAM board that takes SIMMs (about 18 of them!!), but I think Atari may have supplied some machines with a SIMM adaptor? Because the RAM bus in the TT is proprietory, like with the Falcon. I also know there were ST RAM cards that took SIMMs like the STE, although my 4MB ST RAM card has embedded chips.

Did I read somewhere about an 8MB ST RAM card or am I being unusually crazy? That would be nice for with my SLM605...

 Topics Author  Date
  What type of RAM? new m68k 07-14-2001 22:53 
   RE: What type of RAM? new David Barkin 07-15-2001 23:49 
   RE: What type of RAM? new The Paranoid 07-16-2001 17:35 
    RE: What type of RAM? new David Barkin 07-16-2001 17:54 
     RE: What type of RAM?  shalroth 07-18-2001 15:22 
      RE: What type of RAM? new David Barkin 07-18-2001 17:17 
       RE: What type of RAM? new Fenix 07-23-2001 12:41 

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