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 Subject: RE: booting to the hard disk
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   07-29-2001 02:39

Ok, so you have one HD, which should be ID0
You also have a CDROM, which is ID2, and you want to add the HD, so that I presume you will be setting it to 1.

Thats good.

Ok, the drive is new, so the chances of the terminators being bust, is next to zilch, and you can safely assume that they are perfect ( For now in any case )

How would you check them anyway?
Well, you could but one of those little multimeter things to check the resistance perhaps?

Now, the TT uses TOS 3 which although cannot access a partition over 512MB, it WILL let you access the drive and let you make whatever partitions you want! - This should be the same for all Atari's

I have a 4.3GB Drive on mine, and it reads that perfectly well.

Ok, You say that HD Driver is only 20 Dollars, well, all I can say then, is that if you miss an offer like that, you are a bloody fool. I paid over 50ukp for mine, which is what? 70 dollars or so?

HD Driver is undoubtedly the best Driver there is, its fast, and rock solidly reliable - I cannot fault it one little bit, and I seriously doubt anyone will disagree with me there.

Ok, so perhaps then, its the driver software you are using?

If thats the case, then you need to get HD Driver ASAP, and if not, sooner.

I recon you will disgusted with yourself for not getting it sooner than now.

 Topics Author  Date
  booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-27-2001 22:41 
   RE: booting to the hard disk new Parris 07-28-2001 09:14 
    RE: booting to the hard disk new Jim Donovan 07-28-2001 16:31 
     RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-28-2001 17:58 
      RE: booting to the hard disk new FatRakoon 07-28-2001 19:54 
       RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-28-2001 23:02 
        RE: booting to the hard disk new David Barkin 07-29-2001 02:29 
         RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-29-2001 02:36 
          RE: booting to the hard disk new FatRakoon 07-29-2001 02:51 
           RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-29-2001 03:29 
           RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-29-2001 03:29 
        RE: booting to the hard disk  FatRakoon 07-29-2001 02:39 
         RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-29-2001 02:50 
          RE: booting to the hard disk new David Barkin 07-29-2001 17:09 
           RE: booting to the hard disk new mkosmows 07-29-2001 18:04 
            RE: booting to the hard disk new FatRakoon 07-29-2001 20:09 
             RE: booting to the hard disk new David Barkin 07-30-2001 19:53 

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